AmigaActive (480/2143)

From:Michael O'Hara
Date:4 May 2000 at 15:41:13
Subject:Re: AA8

Hi Kevin, on 03-May-00 20:12:16 you wrote:

>> ignorant of ScanTrax (great shareware btw) until I looked at the top of the

>Excellent piece of software. I regged mine ages ago, and Klaus Kraus,
>the author, even wrote and emailed me a driver to test when I asked if
>he could support the "one-touch" button on my Epson GT7000.

I'm using BetaScan atm unfortunately, I tried ScanTrax but I'm a bit short of
cash for the reg - yes I know, but garage bills are slightly more important
right now. I've got a GT7000, does the one-touch button work then??

Carpe Diem,
Mike O'Hara - Search Engine works. - The non Wintel group - On hold.
Amike on UIN: 39795033

Dumb Laws: You may not have more than two dildos in a house. (Arizona)

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